ߌ ߖߎߙߊ߲ ߞߣߐߘߐ ߘߐ߫

ߞߐߕߐ߮:Istanbul Dog.jpg

ߞߐߜߍ ߞߣߐߘߐ ߟߊߘߤߊ߬ߣߍ߲߫ ߕߍ߫ ߞߊ߲߫ ߜߘߍ ߟߎ߬ ߘߐ߫.
ߞߊ߬ ߝߘߊ߫ [[:ߞߙߊߞߏ:SITENAMEP]] ߟߊ߫

ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߓߊߛߎ߲ (߄,߉߂߈ × ߃,߂߆߄ ߖߌ߬ߦߊ߬ߘߊ߲ߕߊ߸ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߢߊ߲ߞߊ߲: ߆.߀߉ MB߸ MIME ߛߎ߮ߦߊ:image/jpeg)

ߘߐ߬ߛߙߋ ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߦߊ߲߬ ߠߋ߫ Wikimedia Commons ߖߊ߬ߕߋ߬ߘߐ߬ߛߌ߮ ߕߐ߭ ߟߎ߬ ߞߏ߬ߣߌ߲ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߟߊ߫. ߊ߬ ߕߐ߯ ߛߓߍߟߌ ߦߙߐ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߞߊ߲߬ߛߓߍߟߌ ߞߐߜߍ ߟߋ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߘߎ߰ߟߊ ߘߐ߫ ߣߌ߲߬.


English: Istanbul street dog at Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Turkey.
ߛߎ߲ ߟߊ߫ ߓߊ߯ߙߊ ߟߋ߫ ߘߌ߫
ߛߓߍߦߟߊ Serhio Magpie
Camera location߄߁° ߀߀′ ߂߄.߇″ N, ߂߈° ߅߈′ ߄߀.߃߃″ E  Heading=225° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo

ߟߊ߬ߘߌ߬ߢߍ߬ߟߌ ߦߴߌ ߘߐ߫

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
ߌ ߞߊ߲ߠߊߓߌ߬ߟߊ߬ߣߍ߲߫
  • ߞߵߊ߬ ߟߊߖߍ߲ߛߍ߲߫ – ߞߊ߬ ߓߊ߯ߙߊ ߓߊߞߎߘߦߊ߫߸ ߞߴߊ߬ ߘߐߝߘߊ߫߸ ߊ߬ ߣߌ߫ ߞߵߊ߬ ߟߊߕߊ߬ߡߌ߲߬
  • ߞߵߊ߬ ߢߣߊߓߊ߬ߛߊ߲߬ ߕߎ߲߯ – ߞߊ߬ ߓߊ߯ߙߊ ߟߊߘߏ߲߬
ߓߍ߲߬ߒߡߊ߬ߞߊ߲߫ ߣߊ߬ߕߐ ߢߌ߲߬ ߠߎ߬ ߟߊ߫:
  • ߘߎ߲߬ߘߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߦߊ – ߌ ߦߋ߫ ߞߍߕߊ ߓߍ߲߬ߣߍ߲ ߠߊߘߏ߲߬߸ ߞߊ߬ ߟߊ߬ߘߌ߬ߢߍ߬ߟߌ ߛߘߌ߬ߜߋ߲ ߘߏ߫ ߡߊߛߐ߫߸ ߊ߬ ߣߌ߫ ߞߊ߬ ߞߐ߯ߙߍߦߊ߫ ߣߌ߫ ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߞߍߣߍ߲߫ ߞߍ߫ ߘߊ߫. ߌ ߦߴߏ߬ ߞߍ߫ ߞߍߢߊ߫ ߟߊߘߌ߬ߢߍ߬ߣߍ߲ ߓߍ߯ ߡߊ߬߸ ߞߏ߬ߣߌ߲߬ ߢߊ ߓߍ߯ ߡߊ߬ ߞߏ߫ ߕߍ߫ ߘߋ߬߸ ߡߍ߲ ߘߌ߫ ߛߋ߫ ߟߊ߬ߘߌ߬ߢߍ߬ߟߊ ߘߐߛߎ߫ ߟߴߌ ߞߊ߲ߛߏ߲߫ ߡߊ߬߸ ߥߟߊ߫ ߌ ߟߊ߫ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊߟߊ.

ߝߍ߬ߛߓߍߟߌ ߟߎ߬

ߛߌ߬ߕߊ߬ߙߌ߬ ߞߋߟߋ߲߫ ߢߊߦߌߘߊߟߌ ߝߙߊ߬ ߞߵߊ߬ ߦߌ߬ߘߊ߬ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߡߍ߲ ߞߐߦߌ߬ߘߊ߬ ߟߊ߫.

ߛߓߍߟߌ ߞߍߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ ߝߌ߬ߛߌ ߡߍ߲ ߞߊ߲߬ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߘߐ߫

depicts ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

dog ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

ߡߐ߬ߟߐ߲ ߡߍ߲ ߕߍ߫ Wikidata ߝߌ߬ߛߌ ߝߋ߲߫ ߘߌ߫

Wikimedia username ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲: Serhio Magpie
author name string ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲: Serhio Magpie

copyright status ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

copyrighted ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

source of file ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

original creation by uploader ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߂ ߞߏ߲ߓߌߕߌ߮ 2018

captured with ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

Nikon D7000 ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

coordinates of the point of view ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

41°0'24.70"N, 28°58'40.33"E

heading ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲: ߂߂߅ degree

exposure time ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߀.߀߀߀߈ second

f-number ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲


focal length ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߃߅ millimetre

ISO speed ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲


photograph ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

data size ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߆,߃߈߅,߆߀߈ byte

߃,߂߆߄ pixel

width ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߄,߉߂߈ pixel

checksum ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲


determination method or standard ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲: SHA-1

ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߊ߫ ߘߐ߬ߝߐ

ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ/ߕߎ߬ߡߊ ߛߐ߲߬ߞߌ߲߬ ߓߊ߫߸ ߞߊ߬ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߎ߬ ߦߋ߫.

ߞߍߛߊ߲ߞߏ߂߀:߂߆, ߁߃ ߓߌ߲ߠߊߥߎߟߋ߲ ߂߀߂߂ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߊߘߐ߯ߦߊߣߍ߲ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ ߣߌ߲߬ ߂߀:߂߆, ߁߃ ߓߌ߲ߠߊߥߎߟߋ߲ ߂߀߂߂ ߠߊ߫߄,߉߂߈ × ߃,߂߆߄ (߆.߀߉ MB)Serhio MagpieEnhance the light
߀߁:߄߀, ߁߃ ߓߌ߲ߠߊߥߎߟߋ߲ ߂߀߂߂ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߊߘߐ߯ߦߊߣߍ߲ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ ߣߌ߲߬ ߀߁:߄߀, ߁߃ ߓߌ߲ߠߊߥߎߟߋ߲ ߂߀߂߂ ߠߊ߫߄,߉߂߈ × ߃,߂߆߄ (߄.߁߆ MB)Serhio Magpieca from source
߀߀:߂߆, ߁߇ ߣߍߣߍߓߊ ߂߀߁߈ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߊߘߐ߯ߦߊߣߍ߲ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ ߣߌ߲߬ ߀߀:߂߆, ߁߇ ߣߍߣߍߓߊ ߂߀߁߈ ߠߊ߫߄,߉߂߈ × ߃,߂߆߄ (߆ MB)Serhio MagpieUser created page with UploadWizard
ߞߐߜߍ߫ ߛߌ߫ ߡߊ߫ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߠߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߡߎߣߎ߲߬

ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߊߟߌ߫ ߞߙߎߞߙߍ

ߥߞߌ߫ ߕߐ߭ ߢߌ߲߬ ߠߎ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߠߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߟߊ߫:
